Natural Remedies to STOP Snoring

Snoring is irritating sound that can keep you awake all night or will make you move in the other room.No need to worry because here we have 3 natural remedies efficient for stopping the snowing :

1. Olive oil
– it is oil which is almost every home
– fill a cup of water on room temperature and add one tablespoon honey and cold pressed olive oil
– or shred some ginger root
– drink it half an hour before bed .

2. Mint
– has most beautiful smell
– is a great anesthetic and antiseptic
– drink one cup of mint tea every day
– drink it before you sleep
– also add a couple of drops of this oil in a glass of water
– gargle before sleep

3. Cardamom
– Arabic spice with special smell
– good for the health- eases breathing
– it make the slime-less dense what makes it ideal for people who snore
– eat a couple of cardamom seed before you sleep
– or mix some cinnamon and honey in a glass of water
– drink
– cardamom can be found in every health food store.

Live healthy and amazing life.
